Hello, I figured I would give a quick update on the status of this game and future projects and explain why I haven't had any updates for the past 3 months. I w...
NEW FORAGE MINI GAME: Added new forage mini game. Now when foraging a new button "Roll Dice" will appear. The objective is to get 20 or below with 12 dice. You...
Hello guys, long time no see. I have added conversations with the shop keepers as well as a background relationship tracker for all the NPC's in the town. I hav...
Hooray! Version 0.2 is finally here. Major update to images and UI. here are all the changes: New Swamp Enemy (Snake) snake coils up our protagonist snake inser...
Thank you so much to everyone who has played my game this week. I am dumbfounded by the number of people who played my prototype game at launch. We have had ove...
Berry Picker is now available to play. finished gameplay loop to include eating to fill hunger, sleeping to regain energy, and showering to reset hygiene. First...
Added location for gathering Green berries. also changed the price for berries. Now there should be more reason to forage for specific berries. stats are as fol...
Added the shop keeper to sell berries to and a forge button so you can pick berries without having to loop the passage. now with an animated GIF to indicate for...